The Mountain, The Manenberg Waterfront, The Towers Park.

You can't get away from the mountain. But we got away from the towers. So here are just some pics from two of my current favourite spaces: The Tower Precinct Waterfront Park (former Athlone Towers), and the Manenberg Waterfront. And at the centre of both is the Mountain. The perspective from this side is very refreshing. These pictures should provide the sense in what I'm saying.

Managed to miss the actual demolition of the towers due to early implosion. The City of Cape Town could never be a live TV show! However the implosion itself was not as interesting as the way in which Cape Town responded to it. I was on the Kewtown, Athlone side of the N2, where it was a carnival. People on the rooftops, traffic jams, hooting. It was World Cup stuff. I'll post a couple of pictures of all of this shortly.

What was most fascinating on the day - post implosion still looking for a good viewing site - David and myself found an entrance to the park in the City's Waste Management facility, in a little cul-de-sac. A lucky discover.

From Jan Smuts Drive, at the fence of the waste water management plant

The Mountain. From Pinelands side of the Tower Precinct
From the Pinelands side
From the Langa side.
The park in the waste water management plant. Not open to the public, but there are soccer posts beyond the trees.
Post-towers, from the park. I didn't know this space existed, thought it was all water processing stuff. But here is a lake with ducks in it. Makes me imagine an urban park, opening into Kewtown, under the N2 and into the Tower Precint.
Post-towers. Love the turbine hall. Could be rugby posts.
The possibility of a park already there is very delicious. So would the waste processing plant section be moved? Could these two sides of the N2 be linked?

Another urban park is the Manenberg Waterfront, the subject of a future post. What a view of the mountain.
It's that mountain again. Perhaps the view from here will one day become as iconic? The mountain of the new downtown?
Manenberg? Is where its at.
The Mountain, from Bokmakierrie side.


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